Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Delightful Dessert!

As it seems I am making about 2-3 new recipes each week, and in general I try to be relatively healthy or modify recipes to be lower fat/cholesterol, I figure I can try my hand at this baking thing occasionally. It seems about once a week I try a new recipe that leads to my mouth watering and many sneak bites along the way. 

This week? Cherry Cobbler! I'm not so much a fan of the canned cherry pie filling as the syrup is just too "high fructose corn syrup" tasting. After eating so healthy for so long, it's easy to pick out the crap. So, I found a recipe using fresh cherries and simple steps :) 

I bought my cherries and realized I had no cherry pitter! ARGH! It took me a good 1/2 hour to halve and pit 2 C of cherries, but it brought back memories of picking cherries with my gramma willie in the beautiful Colorado summer. Apple, strawberry and cherry picking are some of the few and special memories I have with her. She always made the best pies! 

This was a delicious "cobbler" that was a perfect compliment to a thunderstormy evening snuggled up with the husband watching "The Blind Side". 

Serves 12 

1/2 C Butter
! C flour
1 C sugar
1 t baking powder
1 C milk
2 t nutmeg
2 t cinnamon
2 T brown sugar

2 C pitted cherries
1 T flour
3/4 C sugar
1 T brown sugar

Preheat oven to 350. Melt butter in a 9x13 pan. While butter is melting, in a small bowl mix remaining crust ingredients together. Pour over melted butter.  Mix cherries and remaining filling ingredients together, evenly coating the cherries. Pour into the crust and butter mixture, do not stir. Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes. Crust should be golden brown. 

Critique :
Him: AMAZING! No complaints here! 
Her: Absolutely delicious! The original recipe did not call for cinnamon, nutmeg or brown sugar at all - that was my contribution, so add as much as little as you enjoy, or leave out all together. There was WAY too much butter ... yes, I LOVE butter, but it was settling on top of the cobbler and kinda ruined it for me. I will halve the butter next time. I halved this entire recipe and made it in an 8x8 pan, so I wouldn't eat as much :) I'm glad I added in brown sugar, as it seemed to crystallize the crust and was outstanding! 

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